NHST Holding is a holding company owning DN Media Group and NHST Marketing Technology

EGM 2025
In an extraordinary general meeting on January 9, Dorthe Bjerregaard-Knudsen was elected as new member of the Board of Directors of NHST Holding AS.
Date: January 9, 2025, at 15:00
Location: NHST Holding AS, Christian Krohgs gate 16, 0186 Oslo, Norway.
DN Media Group
Independent publications covering shipping, seafood, aquaculture and energy internationally, as well as business and society in Norway.
Started with the establishment of Norges Sjøfartstidene in 1889 (Dagens Næringsliv), now grown a group of ten publications. Headquarters in Oslo, offices in London, Singapore, Stamford, Bergen and reporters around the world.

NHST Marketing Technology
Software-as-a-Service products for PR and media monitoring.
Mynewsdesk is a pioneer in the development of web-based PR channels for both the mass media and social media, with headquarters in Stockholm.
Mention is a Paris based company which lets the user gain valuable market insights by monitoring the web, social media, forums, and blogs.